
Mr. Stephen Kpabitey , Head of welfare

Mr. Stephen Kpabitey: 

Managing Director for Classic Marine Engineering Ltd. 

Professionally he is a mechanical engineer. He attended Accra Technical Training Center (ATTC) in the year 1992. He also further his cause in Mechanical Engineering at Management Develop Productivity Institute in the year 1993 (MDPI). 

After completing, (MDPI) he had his first job at C.P Construction Pioneers. He worked there from the year 1994 to 1996 as an assistant workshop manager. He later worked with ‘’Belfinga’’ a German construction company as a workshop technician from the year 1997 to 1999. From the year 2001 to 2004, Mr. Stephen Kpabitey worked as a workshop engineer with Stevedoring company called Express Maritime Service ( EMS )  at Tema harbor where he trained many forklift and reach-stacker operators. 

His final working destination before he started working for himself was the Densay shipping Agency in Turkey, he worked as on-boardhydraulic grabs’ technician aboard the ship from 2005 to 2007.