
Jonathan Wortey , Head of standards and curriculum

My name is Jonathan Wortey
I am 54 years old.

I am self-motivated, strong driving force and analytically skilful, self-taught person in terms of the latest technological trends and techniques and well organized person who would like to work and/or study under pressure at any time in any institution, organization and/or company no matter the environment to help in any developmental project to the highest level.


Master of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering Technology
Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development
(Yet to graduate)

Study Area
Advanced finite element analysis, computational fluid dynamics, mechanical research, advanced computer aided manufacturing.

Master of Technology (Mechanical- Automotive)
University of Education, Winneba (college of Technology Education Kumasi. – 2018 – 2019

Study Area
Research Methods, Computer Aided Design and Modelling, Mechatronics, Advanced Engineering Materials, Production Planning and Control, Mechanical Vibration, Tribology and maintenance Planning, Control System, etc.

Bed - (Technical Education) Mechanical, Production [minor] Automotive [major] -2004 to 2006
University of Education Winneba, Kumasi, Campus-Ghana   
Study Area
Mechanical Technology: Fabrication of simple machines, forging of simple Agricultural Tools and Machines, Material Science, Communication Skills, Computer Skills, Sociology of Education, Technology and Society, Teaching and Training Methodology, Educational Management, Business Plan, Automotive Electronics etc.

Diploma in Education (Competency-Based Training) (2018 – 2019)
University of Education Winneba, Kumasi,

Study Area
CBT occupational standard generation, curriculum development and unit specification, facilitation strategies and methods in CBT, CBT assessment strategy and methods, etc. 

COTVET registered formal Facilitator and Trainer (CT-FA02147/19)  (2019) 

Certificate in Education (2002 to 2003) Sandwich
University college of Education Winneba (Kumasi)-Ghana 

Motor Vehicle Technicians Part III (1999)
The City and Guilds of London Institute.

Study Area
Principle of Supervision, Workshop Organization and Administration, Financial and Commercial studies,
Legal Aspect.  

Motor Vehicle Technicians Part II (1998)
Kumasi Polytechnic
Study Area
Motor Vehicle Technology, Motor Vehicle science, Mathematics and Drawing, Practical Coursework Assessment. 

Motor Vehicle Technicians Part I (1994)
Kumasi Polytechnic
Study Area
Motor Vehicle Technology, Motor Vehicle science, Mathematics and Drawing, Practical Coursework Assessment. 

Heavy Duty and Diesel Mechanics (1991)
Study Area
Technology, Associated studies, Practical Coursework Assessment. 



Head of Department- (1993- 2002)
Automotive Mechanics Department - Catholic Technical Institute 

Catholic Technical Institute is a private educational Institution which trains students to create their own job to be self-employed.
Planning of training activities for students
Prepare work schedule for other staff 
Organize practical works for students.
Preparation of training budget for the department.
Liaised with firms for students going out for further practical attachment
Evaluation of training programs 
Workshop supervisor–Ishaak Engineering (2003 – 2006) 
Prepare job cards.
Diagnose faults with electronics diagnosing machines
Interpret drawings to mechanics.
Supervise works assigned to technicians and mechanics.
Providing induction training and in – service course for newly employed mechanics and workers respectively. 

Workshop supervisor - JASARB Technik Motors       
Prepare job cards
Diagnose faults with electronics diagnosing machines
Assigned jobs to technicians.
Designing retraining programs for workers  

Deputy Head of Department/Senior Tutor – October,2007- 2015 
Heavy Duty and Diesel Mechanics Department. Kumasi Technical Institute,

Kumasi Technical Institute is an Educational Institution which trains students and Workers for the Industries and Mining sector. Heavy duty and Diesel Mechanics Department handles automobile heavy trucks, earth moving machines, (excavators, bulldozers, wheel loaders, graders, etc)

Deputizing as Head of Department and In-charge of day to day activities of the workshop.
Prepare work schedule for other staff 
Organize practical works for students.
Assist in preparation of training budget for the department.
Keeping records of students and staff.
Liaised with firms for students going out for further practical attachment
In-charge of student’s registration and orientation
Assist in evaluation of training programs 
Teaches power train and control unit/heavy equipment system. 

DIWORT Engineering Services
Operator and mechanics trainer
Forklift, excavator, bulldozer, wheel loader, and other earth moving machines.


At the undergraduate studies, the following research work was carried out;

Causes of low enrolment of girls in Technical Vocational Institutions 2006.
At the graduate studies, the following research work was carried out;
Observation of Health and Safety Practices among Heavy Duty Operators and Mechanics in Ashanti Region 2019.
Pending research; 
Investigating why the front right hub bearing of a vehicle wears faster as compared to the left hub bearing.
Comparative analysis of aluminium alloy and low carbon steel used as front wheel drive shaft. 



A member of National Association of Heavy Duty equipment operators Ghana.
National executive.

The following projects were undertaking.
Construction of electrically operated mower.
Construction of metal adjustable drawing board.
Construction of cassava press.
Currently constructing ‘Fuel-less’ generator  .


July,2nd - Sept.2nd one-month Workshop for restructuring of the NVTI training syllabus - 1996
May 2002     5-Day   Workshop on Leadership and Business Creation  
August, 4th -6th     2-Day    Workshop on Entrepreneurship. -  2009
August, 9th – 13th 2010


Syllabus restructuring for the three year

CTVET. Capacity building workshop, Competency Based Training (CBT) concept and its implementation
processes. October 2020
CTVET sponsored Training provided for operators and mechanics of Association of Road contractors in Ghana   
March – September, 2014

A resource person.
GIZ sponsored development of CBT curriculum for forklift operators for Don Bosco Technical Institute, Ashiaman-Tema   

Lead consultant. 

Good command in spoken and writing English, Twi, Ga and Damgbe 

Good skills in computer Ms Word, Power Point, Ms Excel and Auto Desk Inventor (3D CAD software for product design and engineering), CAD CAM, Ansys and Abaqus
Conversant with the internet.



Designing and solving engineering problems.
Fabrication of simple machines.
Listening to music and watching football.
Helping other people to solve their problems.